Saturday, July 19, 2014

First Weigh In

So, I started IP last Saturday and on Sunday my house flooded!  I somehow managed to stay with the protocol.  Even with moving furniture and having all the flooring ripped out of our entires house, I stuck to it!   It was not easy.  I had headaches, fatigue, and my period all amid the chaos.  But, I did it!  
I would go day by day and give all the gory details, but they don't seem too important now that the week is done and I went to my first official weigh in with my coach.  
I actually went to a different location and met with the owner of the clinic in CC.  His name is John, and he was super nice and helpful.  
And the fruits of my labor, you ask?  I lost 6.4 lbs!!!!!! 
And I am officially in the 180's, never to see the 190's again, I pray!  It has been such a struggle to get out of that range.  Since I had my last child, almost seven years ago, I have only been out of this range one time.  That was on Weight Watchers, and I lost down to about 172 or so, and then gain it all back and then some.
So, I am even more convinced this is the diet for me.  It is not easy, believe me.  Consuming 4 cups of veggies a day is hard for me.  I do like most of the IP foods I've tried, so that's a good thing.  I'm reading and educating myself on how the diet actually works and it's very interesting how it's such a precise science.  That in itself makes me not want to cheat and to just follow the protocol and let it work.
So, onward to my next week!  

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Ideal Protein Day 1

Today I started the Ideal Protein Diet.  I decided to start this blog today, too.  I needed a place to talk about my journey to my Ideal weight.  I was 196 lbs. yesterday and will have a weekly weigh in to chart my progress.  My goal is 145 lbs.  According to IP if I lose and average of 2 lbs a week I will be there by January 1st!!!!  I can't even remember being that weight, so it seems like a dream right now.

This jist of the diet is that you eat IP product three times a day, eat up to 8 oz. of protein, 4 cups of veggies (specific ones), take certain supplements, 1tbl. olive oil, 1/4 tsp. salt, and at least 64 oz. of water. Low impact exercise.  I think I covered it all.

Today started okay, until I decided to take too many vitamins at one time.  That all came back up, and I was nauseous for a little bit.  Other than that I was pretty good, besides being hungry and tired.  I didn't do a whole lot. 

I started the day with coffee and some of their ready made vanilla shake as my creamer.  That was not great.  I'll miss having my coffee each morning they way I like it.  :(  I finished the shake and that was breakfast.  Then the incident with the vitamins happened.  Ugh!  By 11:00 I was pretty hungry, so I scrambled some eggs with asparagus.  That was yummy!  Then ate some IP sea salt and vinegar crisps.  Those were slightly chalky, but not bad.  Late afternoon I had a salad with mushrooms and tomato (restricted to 1 -2 times a week) and some Walden Farms Ranch dressing.  Walden Farms condiments are all allowed.  I was happy with the taste.  Dinner arrived later than I would have liked and I was a bit grouchy by then.  Grilled chicken breast with sautéed mushrooms and asparagus.  All very tasty.  My last IP item of the day were some chocolate puffs which I liked very much.  Made me feel like I was getting a sweet treat in my day! 

So, day 1 is finished and I keep thinking "I hope my body gets used to this!"  I had the edge of a headache all day, which they say for the first week is very normal.  Plus I'm expecting Aunt Flo this coming week and always get headaches with that.  But, for the first day it was not so bad.  Looking forward to tomorrow!   :)